Saturday, October 15, 2016

Story Telling

This time im gonna tell you about my and my friends (Raisha, Azhra, and Denis) storytelling! Hope you enjoy them!

First, I told them my storytelling, the moral value from my story 'The Little Red Riding Hood" is don't ever spoke to strangers and always do what your parent told you. Here is my storytelling:

The Little Red Riding Hood
One day, Little Red Riding Hood's mother asked Little Red Riding Hood "give this basket of goodies to your Grandma's cottage, and don't talk to strangers on the way!" The Little Red Riding Hood skipped off. On her way, she met a big bad wolf and he asked her "where are you going, little girl?" "To my grandma's cottage, Mr.Wolf!" she answered.
The wicked wolf run to Grandma's cottage much before The Little Red Riding Hood and knocked on the door. When Grandma unlocked the door, he locked her up in the cupboard, wore Grandma's clothes and lay in the bad waiting for little red riding hood.
When Little Red Riding Hood reached the cottage, she entered and went to Grandma's bedside. "HAH?!? What big eyes you have Grandma" she said in surprise "All better to see you with, my darling" replied the wolf. "HAH?!? what big ears you have Grandma" asked her."All better to hear you with, my darling" "HAH?!? What big teeth you have Grandma" "All better to eat you with" growned the wolf and pounching on her. Little Red Riding Hood screamed and the woodcutter in the forest came running to the cottage. They beat the big bad wolf and rescued Grandma from the cupboard. Grandma hugged little red riding hood with joy. The Big Bad Wolf ran away to be never seen again. Little Red Riding Hood had learnt the lesson and never spoke to strangers ever again.

After I finished told them, the followed by Raisha, she told us a story about "Maribaya"
The moral value from "Maribaya' story is if you love someone, you'll never stop to make it work. Here is the story:

Once upon a time, live Eyang Raksadinata who had 5 children. He was poor so he worried of his only daughter, Maribaya. In order to make Maribaya happy, he meditated in Tangkyban Perahu for 7 days and 7 night. Until one night he heard a mystical voice and he got 2 cooper with wide rim filled with water. He was told to bring the cooper to the west and east side of forest. After he heard that command, he went home to complete the task. After 2 days, in the place where he poured water from the cooper a hot spring mineral water coming out from the ground. That water was believed as a magical water that could cures all diseases. Since that moment, many people came to that place to heal all disease and to have recreation. He got a lot of money from that. So he could make his children including Maribaya happy. To remember his late only daughter Eyang Raksadinata named that place Maribaya.

Next section, Denis told us "The Foolish Donkey" story. The moral is luck won't always favour.
Here is the story:

The Foolish Donkey
A salt seller used to carry the salt bag on his donkey to the market every day. On the way They had to cross to a stream. One day the donkey suddenly tumbled down the stream and the salt bag also fell into the water. and hence the bag became very light to carry. The donkey was happy.
Then the donkey started to play the same trick every day. The salt sellet came to understand the trick and decide to teach a lesson to it.The next day he loaded a cotton bag on the donkey. Again it played the same trick hoping that the cotton bag would be still become lighter.
But the dampened cotton became very heavy to carry and it suffered much. It leanrr a lesson. Afterwards it did not play trick and the seller was happy.

Fouth, it was Azhra's turn to tell us his story. The title is "The Turtle and The Rabbit" The moral from this story is never underestimate the weakest opponent.

The Turtle and The Rabbit
One day a rabbit was boasting about how fast he could run. He was laughing at the turtle for being so slow. Much to the rabbit's surprise, the turtle chellenged him to a race. The rabbit thought this was a good joke accepted the challenge. The fox was to be the umpire of the race. As the race began, the rabbit race way ahead of the turtle, just like everyone thoutght.
The rabbit got to the halfway point and could not see the turtle anywhere. He was hot and tired and decided to stop and take a short nap. Even if the turtle passed him, he would be able to race to the finish line ahead of him. All this time the tutle kept walking step by step. He never quit no matter how hot or tired he got. He just kept going.
Hoveever, the rabbit slept longer than he had thought and woke up. He could not see the turtle anywhere. He went at a full-speed to the finish line but found the turtle there waiting for him.

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